The Rules of The Air 0 comments

The rules of the air shall apply to aircraft bearing the nationality and registration marks of a contracting state, wherever they may be to, and the extent that they do not conflict with the rules published by the state having jurisdiction over the territory overflow.

If, and so long as, a Contracting State has not notified the International Civil Aviation Organization to the contrary, it shall be deemed, as regards aircraft of its registration, to have agreed as follows:

For purposes of flight over those parts of the high seas where a Contracting State has accepted, pursuant to a regional air navigation agreement, the responsibility of providing air traffic services, the “appropriate ATS authority” referred to in this Annex is the relevant authority designated by the state responsible for providing those services.

Compliance with the rules of the air 0 comments

The operation of an aircraft either in flight or on the movement area of an aerodrome shall be in compliance with the general rules and, in addition, when in flight, either with:

a) The visual fight rules, or.

b) The instrument flight rules.

Responsibility for compliance with the ruler of the air.

Responsibility of pilot – in- command

The pilot-in-command of an aircraft shall, whether manipulating the controls or not, be responsible for the operation of the aircraft in accordance with the rules of the air, except that the pilot-in-command may depart from these rules in circum-stances that render such departure absolutely necessary in the interests of safety.

Pre – flight action

Before beginnings a flight, the pilot – in – command of an aircraft shall become familiar with all available information appropriate to the intended operation. Pre-flight action for flights away from the vicinity of an aerodrome, and for all IFR flight, shall include a careful study of available current weather reports and forecasts, taking into consideration fuel requirements and alternative course of action if the flight cannot be completed as planned.

Authority of pilot-in-command.

Pilot-in-command of an aircraft shall have final authority as to the disposition of the aircraft while in command.

Use of intoxication liquor, narcotic or drugs.

No person shall pilot an aircraft, or act as a flight crew member of an aircraft, while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or nay narcotic or drug, by reason of which that person’s capacity to act is impaired.

Protection of persons and property 0 comments

Negligent or reckless operation of aircraft.

An aircraft shall not be operated in a negligent or reckless manner so as to endanger life or property of others.

Minimum heights.

Except when necessary for take-off or landing. Or except by permission from the appropriate authority, aircraft shall mot be flown over the congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over an open-air assembly of persons, unless at such a height as will permit, in the event of an emergency arising , a landing to be made without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.

Cruising levels

The cruising levels at which a flight or a portion of a flight is to be conducted shall be in terms of ;

a) Flight levels, for flight or above the lowest usable flight level or, where applicable, above the transition altitude ;

b) Altitudes, for flight below the lowest usable flight level or, where applicable, at or below the transition altitude

Dropping or spraying

Nothing shall be dropped or sprayed from an aircraft in flight except under condition prescribed by the appropriate authority and as indicted by relevant information, advice and / or clearance from the appropriate air traffic services unit.


No aircraft or other object shall be towed by an aircraft, except in accordance with requirements prescribed by the appropriate authority an as indicated by relevant information, advice and / or clearance from the appropriate air traffic services unit.

Parachute descents

Parachute descents, other than emergency descent, shall not be made except under condition prescribed by the appropriate authority and as indicated by relevant information, advice and / or clearance from the appropriate air traffic services unit.

Acrobatic flight

No aircraft shall be flown acrobatically except under conditions prescribed by appropriate authority and as indicated by relevant information, advice and / or clearance from the appropriate air traffic services unit.

Unmanned free balloons

An unmanned free balloon shall be operated in such a manner as to minimize hazards to persons, property or other aircraft and in accordance with the condition specified in Appendix 4.

Right – of – way

An aircraft that is obliged by the following rules to keep out of the way of another shall avoid passing over, under or in front of the other, unless it passes well clear and takes into account the effect of aircraft wake turbulence.

Approaching head-on. When two aircraft are approaching head-on approximately so there is danger of collision, each shall alter its heading to the right.

Converging. When two aircraft are converging at approximately the same level, the aircraft that has the other on its right shall give way, except as follows:

a) Power – drive heavier-that-air aircraft shall give way to airships, gliders and balloons;

b) Airships shall give way gliders and balloons;

c) Gliders shall give way to balloons;

d) Power - driven aircraft shall give way to aircraft which are seen to be towing other aircraft or objects.

Overtaking. An overtaking aircraft is an aircraft that approaches another from the rear on a line forming an angle of less than 70 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter, i.e. is in such a position with reference to the other aircraft that at night it should be unable to see either of the aircraft’s left (port) or right (starboard) navigation lights. An aircraft that is being overtaken has the right-of-way and the overtaking aircraft, whether climbing, descending or in horizontal flight, shall keep out of the way ot the other aircraft by altering its heading to the right, and no subsequent change in the relative position of the two aircraft shall absolve the overtaking aircraft from this obligation until it is entirely past and clear.


An aircraft in flight, or operating on the ground or water, shall give way to aircraft landing or in the final stages of an approach to land.

When two or more heavier-that-air aircraft approaching an aerodrome for the purpose of landing, aircraft at the higher level shall give way to aircraft at the lower level, but the latter shall not take advantage of this rule to cut in front of another which is in the final stages of approach to land, or to overtake that aircraft. Nevertheless power-driven heavier-than air aircraft shall give way gliders.

Emergency landing. An aircraft that is aware that another is completed to land shall give way to that aircraft.

Surface movement of aircraft.

In case of danger of collision between two aircraft taxiing on the movement area of an aerodrome the following shall apply:

a) when two aircraft are approaching head on, or approximately so, each shall stop or where practicable alter its course to the right so as to keep well clear;

b) when two aircraft are on a converging course, the one which has the other on its right shall give way;

c) an aircraft which is being overtaken by another aircraft shall have the right – of – way and the overtaking aircraft shall keep well clear of the other aircraft.

Water operations.

When two aircraft or an aircraft and a vessel are approaching one another and there is risk of collision, the aircraft shall proceed with careful regard to existing circum-stances and condition including the limitation of the respective craft.

Converging. An aircraft which has another aircraft or a vessel on its right shall give way so as to keep well clear.

Approaching head-on. An aircraft approaching another aircraft or a vessel head-on, or approximately so, shall alter its heading to the right to keep well clear.

Overtaking the aircraft or vessel which is being overtaken has the right of way, and the one overtaking shall alter of its heading to keep well clear.

Landing and taking off. Aircraft landing on or taking off from the water shall, in so far as practicable, keep well clear of all vessels and avoid impeding their navigation.

Lights to be displayed by aircraft on the water. Between sunset and sunrise or such other period between sunset and sunrise as may be prescribed by the appropriate authority, all aircraft on the water shall display lights as required by the International Regulation for Preventing Collisions at Sea (revised 1972) unless it is impractical for them to do so, in which case they shall display lights as closely similar as possible in characteristics and position to those required by the international Regulations.

Closing a flight plan

Unless otherwise prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority, a report of arrival shall be made either in person or by radio at the earliest possible moment after landing, to the appropriate air traffic services unit at the arrival aerodrome, by any flight for which a flight plan has been submitted covering the entire flight or the remaining portion of a flight to the destination aerodrome.

When a flight plan has been submitted only in respect of a portion of a flight, other than the remaining portion of a flight to destination, it shall, when required, be closed by an appropriate report to the relevant air traffic service unit.

When communication facilities at the arrival aerodrome are known to be inadequate and alternate

Rules applicable to all IFR flight 0 comments

Aircraft equipment

Aircraft shall be equipped with suitable instruments and with navigation equipment appropriate to the route to be flown.

Minimum Levels

Except when necessary for take-off or lading, or except when specifically authorized by the appropriate authority, an IFR flight shall be flown at a level which is not below the minimum flight altitude established by the State whose territory is over flown, or where no such minimum flight altitude has been established:

a) Over high terrain or in mountainous areas, at a level which is at least 600m ( 2 000 ft) above the highest obstacle within 8 km of the estimated position of the aircraft;

b) Elsewhere than as specified in a), at a level which is at least 300 m (1 000 ft ) above the highest obstacle within 8 km of the estimated position of the aircraft;

Note 1. – The estimated position of the aircraft will take account of the navigational accuracy which can be achieved on the relevant route segment, having regard to the navigational facilities available on the ground and in the aircraft


Commercial air transport operation. An aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers, cargo or mail for remuneration or hire.

Crew member, A person assigned by an operator to duty on an aircraft during flight time

Cruising level, A level maintained during a significant portion of a flight.

Hazardous flight conditions.

Hazardous flight conditions encountered, other than those associated with meteorological condition, shall be reported to the appropriate aeronautical station as soon as possible. The reports so rendered shall give such details as may be pertinent to the safety of other aircraft.

Operating facilities

An operator shall ensure that a flight will not be commenced unless it has been ascertained by every reasonable means available that the ground and / or water facilities available and directly required on such flight, for the safe operation of the aero plane and the protection of the passengers, are adequate for the type of operation under which the flight is to be conducted and are adequately operated for this purpose.

Note,- “ Reasonable means” in this Standard is intended to denote the use, at the point of departure, of information available to the operator either though official information published by the aeronautical information service or readily obtainable from other sources, “ Facilities available and directly required” is intended to exclude emergency facilities such as those for fighting and search and rescue.

An operator shall ensure that any inadequacy of facilities observed in the course of operations is reported to the authority responsible for them, without undue delay.

Subject to their published conditions of use, aerodromes and their facilities shall be kept continuously available for flight operations during their published hours of operations, irrespective of weather conditions.

Operational certification and supervision 0 comments

The air operator certificate

An operator shall not engage in commercial air transport operations unless in possession of a valid air operator certificate or equivalent document issued by the State of the operator.

The air operator certificate or equivalent document shall authorize the operator to conduct commercial air transport operations in accordance with such conditions and limitations as may be specified.

The issue of an air operator certificate or equivalent document by the State of the operator shall be dependent upon the operator demonstrating an adequate organization, method of control and supervision of flight operations, training programmer and maintenance arrangements consistent with the nature and extent of the operations specified.

Composition of the flight crew.

The number and composition of the flight crew shall not be less than specified in the operations manual. The flight crew shall include flight crew members in addition to the minimum numbers specified in the certificate of airworthiness of the aero plan or the aero plane flight manual or other documents associated with the certificate of airworthiness, when necessitated by consideration related to the type of aero plane used, the type of operation involved and the duration of flight between points where flight crew are changed.

Radio Operator

The flight crew shall include at least one member who holds a valid license, issued or rendered valid by the State of Tegistey, authorizing operation of the type of radio transmitting equipment to be used.

Flight engineer

When a separate flight engineer’s station is incorporated in the design of an aeroplane, the flight crew shall include at least one flight engineer especially assigned to that station, unless the duties associated with that station can be satisfactorily performed by another flight crew member, holding a flight engineer license, without interference with regular duties.

Flight navigator

The flight crew shall include at least one member who holds a flight navigator license in all operations where, as determined by the State of the Operator, navigation necessary for the safe conduct of the flight cannot be adequately accomplished by the pilots from the pilot station.

Assignment of emergency duties

An operator shall establish, to the satisfaction of the state of the Operator. The minimum number of cabin attendants required for each type of aeroplane, based on seating capacity or the number of passengers carried, in order to affect a safe and functions to be performed in an emergency or a situation requiring emergency evacuation. The operator shall assign these function for each type of earoplane.

Cabin attendants at emergency evacuation stations

Each cabin attendant assigned to emergency evacuation duties shall occupy a seat provided in accordance with 6.16 during take – off and landing and whenever the pilot – in command so directs.

Protection of cabin attendants during flight.

Each cabin attendant shall be seated with seat belt or, when provided, safety harness fastened during take – off and landing and whenever the pilot-in-command so directs.

Note – The foregoing does not preclude the pilot-in-command from directing the fastening of seat belt only, at times other that during take-off and landing


Angkatan Udara merupakan bagian integral dari Tentara Nasional Indonesia sebagai Tentara Rakyat, Tentara Pejuang, Tentara Nasional dan Tentara Professional yang bertugas pokok menegakkan kedaulatan Negara, mempertahankan keutuhan wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia tahun 1945, serta melindungi segenap bangsa dan seluruh tumpah darah Indonesia dari ancaman dan gangguan terhadap keutuhan bangsa dan negara.

Angkatan Udara bagi sebuah Negara yang besar dan luas sangat didambakan oleh para pendiri Republik Indonesia, terbuktinya dengan keluarnya Penetapan Pemerintah Nomor 6/SD. Tahun 1946, tanggal 9 April 1946 yang mengesahkan berdirinya Tentara Republik Indonesia Angkatan Udara dan mengangkat Komodor Raden Soerjadi Soerjadarma sebagai Kepala Staf Tentara Republik Indonesia Angkatan Udara. Beliaulah pemimpin pertama Angkatan Udara yang kemudian dinobatkan sebagai Bapak Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia.

Selanjutnya tanggal 9 April setiap tahun, diperingati sebagai hari bersejarah dengan sebutan yang berbeda, sebagai Hari pengesahan Tentara Republik Indonesia Angkatan Udara, Hari Jadi Tentara Republik Indonesia Angkatan Udara, Hari Ulang Tahun Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia, Hari Jadi Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara, Hari Ulang Tahun Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara, Hari Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara dan bahkan pernah diperingati sebagai Hari Penerbangan Nasional.

Guna menghindari kerancuan dengan kelahiran Tentara Nasional Indonesia yang diperingati setiap tanggal 5 Oktober, dan agar semangat juang seluruh personel beserta Keluarga Besar Angkatan Udara tetap termotivasi, maka sejak tahun 2004, tanggal 9 April diperingati Hari Angkatan Udara atau Air Force Day.

Awalnya kekuatan Angkatan Udara bertumpu kepada pesawat-pesawat peninggalan penjajah seperti pesawat latih (Nishikoreng, Cukiu, Cureng), pesawat pemburu (Hayabusha dan Sansikisin), pesawat pembom (Guntai dan Sakai), pesawat pengintai (Nakajima) dan lain sebagainya yang kemudian digunakan para polopor dan pendahulu Angkatan Udara berjuang untuk melawan penjajah yang ingin kembali menguasai Indonesia. Dengan pesawat-pesawat itu pula para pemuda Indonesia dididik dan dilatih menjadi penerbang untuk menjadi tulang punggung Angkatan Udara. Penerbangan pertama kali berhasil dilakukukan oleh A. Adisutjipto yang dibantu oleh ahli teknik Basyir Surja pada tanggal 27 Oktober 1945 pukul 10.00 dengan menggunakan pesawat Cureng

Dengan terbangnya pesawat yang diawaki oleh pemuda Indonesia maka dibentuklah Sekolah Penerbang Maguwo yang merupakan penggabungan antara Sekolah Penerbangan pertama yaitu Sekolah Penerbangan di Bugis dan Sekolah Penerbangan di Maguwo Yogyakarta. Para siswa-siswa Sekolah Penerbangan ini menggunakan pesawat bersayap dua “Cureng” buatan Jepang pada tahun 1933 yang sudah mengalami perbaikan dan perombakan.

Saat ini Angkatan Udara dipimpin Marsekal TNI Herman Prayitno selaku Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara yang ke-16 dalam membina kesiapan operasional matra udara yang terstruktur dalam organisasi Markas Besar Angkatan Udara dengan Badan Pelaksana Pusat, Komando Pertahanan Udara Nasional, Komando Operasi I dan II, Komando Pemeliharaan Materiel, Komando Pendidikan dan Korp Pasukan Khas Angkatan Udara.

Sebagai satu sistim senjata udara dengan motto “Swa Bhuawana Paksa” yang berarti “ Sayap Tanah Air”, Angkatan Udara dilengkapi bebrbagai alat utama yang diawaki para professional sebagai ujung tombak kekuatan berupa :

· 16 Skadron Udara

· 20 Satuan Radar

· 9 Pangkalan Induk sekaligus sebagai Pangkalan Operasi

· 32 Pangkalan Operasi

· 7 Skadron Teknik

· 23 Satuan Pemeliharaan

· 6 Skadron dan 8 Satuan setingkat Skadron Pasukan Khas

· 24 Rumah Sakit dan Lembaga Kesehatan, serta

· 28 Skadron dan Lembaga Pendidikan






5. 29 JULI……………….. HARI BAKTI TNI AU









Penerbangan Nasional

Tokoh-tokoh penerbangan Indonesia

1. Laksamana TNI Rd. Suryadi Suryadarma lahir tanggal 6 Desember 1912 di Banyuwangi. Tanggal 9 April 1946 Suryadarma diangkat oleh presiden Soekarno menjadi KSAU (Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara) dengan pangkat Komodor Udara. Disamping itu beliau juga merangkap menjadi KSAP (Kepala Staf Angkatan Perang) RI.

2. Komodor Udara Agustinus Adisutjipto dilahirkan di Salatiga, 4 Juli 1916, putra sulung dari empat bersaudara yang semuanya laki-laki. Pengabdian Adisutjipto selesai saat ia gugur dalam tugas. Pesawat yang ditumpanginya Dakota VT-CLA yang mengangkut obat-obatan dari Malaysia jatuh ditembak Belanda di desa Wadjo tidak jauh dari Karangkadjen, Jogjakarta (29 Juli 1947). Ia gugur dalam usia yang masih muda, yakni 31 tahun. Kata-kata yang selalu diucapkannya “jadilah penerbang yang ulung dan berjiwa pahlawan, agar selalu dapat mengabdi kepada nusa dan bangsa Indonesia”.

3. Komodor Muda Udara Prof. dr. Abdulrachman Salah lahir di kampong Ketapang (Kwitang Barat), Jakarta, 1 Juli 1909. sifat kepemimpinanya yang tegas dan berwibawa ketika memimpin kepanduan, dan juga tak segan-segan mengoreksi sesame kawan yang kurang disiplin maupun menyeleweng. Untuk itu teman-teman memanggilnya Karbol (Krullebol). Abdulrachman Saleh bergabung dengan AURI yang saat itu masihg baru-baru dibentuk. Ia tidak pernah merasakan pendidikan militer. Di jogja ia belajar mengemudikan pesawat Cureng bersayap dua, diajar oleh Adisutjipto, mantan mahasiswanya sewaktu di kedokteran. Ia juga banyak mempelajari pesawat lain seperti Glider, Hayabusya dan bomber. Pesawat tersebut peninggalan Jepang yang telah rusak dan diperbaiki sendiri oleh Abdulrachman Saleh. Bersama Adisutjipto, abdulrachman Salah bertugas sebagai instruktur penerbang, sampai akhirnya pindah ke Maospati (Madiun) dan menjadi komandan pangkalan disana. Abdulrachman Saleh gugur bersama Adisutjipto pada peristiwa 29 Juli 1947 di Jogjakarta.

4. Laksamana Muda Udara Halim Perdanakusuma lahir di kota Sampang Madura tanggal 18 Nopember 1922. mendapat julukan “the black mascot” yang berarti Si Jimat Hitam dari AU Inggris. Pada tanggal 14 Desember 1947 Abdul Halim bersama Iswahjudi gugur dalam tugas akibat pesawat Avro Anson RI-003 yang dikemudikan Iswahjudi mengalami kecelakaan di Tanjung hantu Malaysia.

5. Komodor Udara Nurtanio, pelopor dan pendiri Industri Pesawat Terbang Indonesia. Tahun 1953 sebagai Komandan Teknik Udara berhasil menciptakan disain pesawat eksperimental yang diberi nama”si Kumbang 200”. Angka 200 menunjukkan kekuatannya yaitu 200 HP. Pesawat ini berhasil diterbangkan dengan sukses pada 1 Agustus 1954.

6. Wiweko Soepono dilahirkan pada hari kamis Wage, 18 Januari 1923 di kota Blitar.

Posisi pesawat TNI AU di Skadron Udara

  1. Lanud Halim Perdana Kusuma

- skadron udara 2 : CN - 235 MIL (cassa Nurtanio)

F – 27 Troopship (Fokker)

- Skadron Udara 17 : VIP Boeing 707

C – 130 Hercules

Puma Helly / Helly Super Puma

F – 28

- Skadron Udara 31 : C – 130 HS Hercules

2. Lanud Atang Sendjaya

- Skadron Udara 6 : Sikorsky S – 58 Twin Pack Helly


- Skadron UIdara 8 : Puma SA 330 Helly

3. Lanud Pekan Baru

- Skadron Udara 12 : Hawk 100

4. Lanud Supadio

- Skadron Udara 1 : Hawk 200

5. Lanud Kalijati

- Skadron Udara 7 : Bell – 47 G / Solloy Helly

6. Lanud Iswahjudi

- Skadron Udara 3 : F – 16 Fighting Falcon

- Skadron Udara 14 : F -5 E Tiger II

- Skadron Udara 15 : MK – 53 / HS Hawk

7. Lanud ABD. Saleh

- Skadron Udara 21 : OV – 10 F Bronco

- Skadron Udara 4 : Cassa – 212

- Skadron Udara 32 : C – 130 B Hercules

8. Lanud Hasanuddin

- Skadron Udara 5 : VIP Boeing 737 Patmar

- Skadron Udara 11 : Shukoi 27 dan Shukoi 30 SKADRON UDARA Shukoi 27 dan Shukoi 30

9. Lanud Adisutjipto

- Skadron Pendidikan 101 : AS – 202 Bravo

- Skadron Pendidikan 102 : Carly / T – 34 C

- Skadron Pendidikan 103 : HS Hawk MK – 53

Penerbangan sipil

Garuda indonesia

Di Indonesia, Boing 737-800 hanya dipunyai dan dioperasikan oleh Garuda. Garuda memperoleh dua pesawat tersebut pada 20 desember 2005 dan 29 maret 2006 hasil leasing dari GATX, Amerika Serikat. Kedua armada tersebut digunakan melayani rute Jakarta – Denpasar – Perth (pp) dan Surabaya – Jakarta – Guangzhou (pp) masing-masing 1 kali per hari.kapasitas penumpang 162 – 189 kursi

Penerbangan nasional Indonesia

  1. Garuda
  2. Merpati
  3. Pelita
  4. Mandala
  5. Bouraq
  6. Lion Air
  7. Adam Air
  8. Batavia Air
  9. Jatayu Airlines
  10. Air Fast
  11. Sriwijaya Airlines

data perusahaan P.T. Bouraq Indonesia Airlines

pendiri : Jarry Albert Sumendap

berdiri : 1 April 1970

Armada : 8 Boing 737-200 dan 3 MD 82

Penerbangan Internasional

Tanggal 17 Desember 1903, di Kitty Hawk, North Carolina , Amerika Serikat, Wright Bersaudara (Wilbur Wright lahir 6 april 1867 dan Orville Wright lahir pada tanggal 19 Agustus 1871) berhasil menerbangkan pesawat terbang bermesin pertama di dunia. Kalau penerbangan pertama di pagi hari hanya berlangsung 12 detik, penerbangan kedua dan ketiga pada siang harinya berlangsung 59 detik dan menempuh jarak hamper 300 meter.

Hanya beberapa puluh tahun setelah itu, tepatnya 1964, dunia telah mengenal pesawat terbang intqi strategis high altitude SR-71 Black-bird dengan tiga kali kecepatan suara dan dapat menempuh jarak 4.830 km.

Tahun 2003, penerbangan sipil Airbus telah menyelesaikan konsep pesawat A-380 yang sudah memasuki tahap produksi dan dapat beroperasi pada tahun 2005. inilah pesawat berkapasitas 700 penumpang dengan versi “flying Hotel” atau 960 penumpang bila didesain kelas ekonomi. Pesawat dapat menempuh jarak 12.880 km dengan kecepatan 0,7-0,8 mach.

Pesawat Penjelajah Bulan

Uni soviet meluncurkan Sputnik 1, satelit buatan pertama pada tahun 1957. antara akhir tahun 1950-an dan 1976 banyak pesawat penjelajah dikirim untuk mengamati permukaan bulan. Luna 1 adalah pesawat penjelajah bulan pertama yang berhasil. Roket ini beredar dalam jarak 6.000 km dari permukaan bulan. Luna 3 adalah pesawat penjelajah pertama yang mengirim foto bulan dari sisi jauh ke bumi. Roket pertama yang berhasil melakukan pendaratan lunak adalah Luna 9 pada bulan Februari 1966.

luna 16 mengumpulkan contoh tanah, membawanya kembali ke bumi tanpa campur tangan manusia.

Tahun 1976, Badan Antariksa Amerika (NASA) mengirim dua pesawat antariksa tanpa awak ke permukaan mars. Kedua pesawat tersebut adalah Viking 1 dan 2. Viking 1 mendarat pada 20 Juli 1976, sedang Viking 2 mendarat pada 3 September 1976. jarak antara Viking 1 dan Viking 2 saat mendarat 7400 km.

Air Force One

Selain merupakan pesawat kepresidenan, Air Force One bisa pula difungsikan sebagai pusat komando sekaligus bunker terbang. Jenis pesawat VC-25 Modifikasi dari B747-200B), kapasitas awak 102

Maskapai Penerbangan Internasional










Uni Emirat Arab










Garuda Indonesia

Canadan Airlines Int.

China Airlines

Air India

American Airlines

British Airways

Emirat Airlines

Japan Airlines

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

Korean Airlines

Malaysian Airlines System

Pakistan Int. Airlines

Philippine Airlines

Qantas Airways Ltd.

Royal Brunei Airlines

Singapore Airlines